Photo du membre - COLOSETTI Pascal


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Retrouver ce membre sur les réseaux :

  • Compétences et expertises : Ph D, Biochimie, Biologie moléculaire
  • Points forts : isolement et caractérisation de vésicules extracellulaires ; directeur de l’European School for the Study of Extracellular Vesicles (ESSEV)

5 publications majeures :

COLOSETTI P., HELLMAN U., HELDIN C.H., MIYAZONO K. Ca2+ binding of latent transforming growth factor-beta 1 binding protein. FEBS Lett 1993, 320, 2, 140-4.


COLOSETTI P., TUNWELL R.E., CRUTTWELL C., ARSANTO J.P., MAUGER J.P., CASSIO D. The type 3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor is concentrated at the tight junction level in polarized MDCK cells. J Cell Sci 2003, 116, 13, 2791-803.


COLOSETTI P., PUISSANT A., ROBERT G., LUCIANO F., JACQUEL A., GOUNON P., CASSUTO J.P., AUBERGER P. Autophagy is an important event for megakaryocytic differentiation of the chronic myelogenous leukemia K562 cell line. Autophagy 2009, 5, 8, 1092-8.


CURSIO R., COLOSETTI P., GUGENHEIM J. Autophagy and liver ischemia-reperfusion injury. The Role of Autophagy in Liver Diseases: Mechanisms and Potential Therapeutic Targets. Biomed Research International 2015. Raffaele Cursio, Pascal Colosetti, Patrice Codogno, Han-Ming Shen and Ana-Maria Cuervo guest Editors (Hindawi Publishing Corporation).


BERGER E., COLOSETTI P., JALABERT A., MEUGNIER E., WIKLANDER O.P.B., JOUHET J., ERRAZURIZ-CERDA E., CHANON S., GUPTA D., RAUTUREAU G.J.P., GELOEN A., EL ANDALOUSSI S., PANTHU B., RIEUSSET J., ROME S. Use of nanovesicles from orange juice to reverse diet-induced gut modifications in diet-induced obese mice. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 2020, 18, 880-92.

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