Photo du membre - MECHTOUFF Laura


  • Poste : Praticien Hospitalier
  • Téléphone : 0427856747
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Compétences et expertises

  • inflammation post-AVC, biomarqueurs

Prix reçus

  • Prix CASDEN jeune chercheur

5 publications majeures :

Mechtouff L, Debs N, Frindel C, Bani Sadr A, Bochaton T, Paccalet A, Crola Da Silva C, Buisson M, Amaz C, Berthezène Y, Faruk Eker O, Bouin M, de Bourguignon C, Mewton N, Ovize M, Bidaux G, Nighoghossian N, Cho TH. Association of blood biomarkers of inflammation with penumbral growth after mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Neurology. 2022, in press.

Bochaton T*, Leboube S*, Paccalet A, Crola Da Silva C, Buisson M, Mewton N, Amaz C, Varillon Y, Bonnefoy-Cudraz E, Rioufol G, Cho TH, Ovize M, Bidaux G, Nighoghossian N, Mechtouff L. Impact of Age on Systemic Inflammatory Profile of Patients With ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Acute Ischemic Stroke. Stroke. 2022 Mar 31:101161STROKEAHA121036806.

Mechtouff L, Bochaton T, Paccalet A, Crola Da Silva C, Buisson M, Amaz C, Derex L, Ong E, Berthezene Y, Dufay N, Ovize M, Mewton N, Cho TH, Nighoghossian N, Eker OF. A lower admission level of interleukin-6 is associated with first-pass effect in ischemic stroke patients. J Neurointerv Surg. 2022 Mar;14(3):248-251.

Mechtouff L, Bochaton B, Paccalet A, Crola Da Silva C, Buisson M, Amaz C, Derex L, Ong E, Berthezene Y, Eker OF, Dufay N, Mewton N, Ovize M, Cho T-H., Nighoghossian N. Association of Interleukin-6 levels and futile reperfusion after mechanical thrombectomy. Neurology 2021 Feb ;96(5):e752-e757.

Mechtouff L, Bochaton B, Paccalet A, Crola Da Silva C, Buisson M, Amaz C, Derex L, Ong E, Berthezene Y, Eker OF, Dufay N, Mewton N, Ovize M, Cho T-H., Nighoghossian N. MMP-9 and MCP-1 are associated with collateral status in acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion. Stroke. 2020 Jul;51(7):2232-2235.

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