Photo du membre - PILLOT Bruno


  • Poste : Ingénieur de Recherche - Directeur technique d’iXplora
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Prix reçus :

  • Prix alimentation-santé – Institut Danone (2010)
  • Prix de recherche – Société Française de Nutrition (2008)
  • Prix Spécial du Jury – Institut Appert (2007)

5 publications majeures :

  1. Hannich JT, Haribowo AG, Gentina S, Paillard M, Gomez L, Pillot B, Thibault H, Abegg D, Guex N, Zumbuehl A, Adibekian A, Ovize M, Martinou JC, Riezman H “1-deoxydihydroceramide causes anoxic death by impairing chaperonin-mediated protein folding” Nat Metab. 2019 Oct1(10):996-1008
  2. Badawi S, Paccalet A, Harhous Z, Pillot B, Augeul L, Van Coppenolle F, Lachuer J, Kurdi M, Crola Da Silva C, Ovize M, Bidaux G “A Dynamic Transcriptional Analysis Reveals IL-6 Axis as a Prominent Mediator of Surgical Acute Response in Non-ischemic Mouse Heart.”Front Physiol. 2019 Oct31;10:1370
  3. Pillot B, Duraffourd C, Bégeot M, Joly A, Luquet S, Houberdon I, Naville D, Vigier M, Gautier-Stein A, Magnan C, Mithieux G. “Role of hypothalamic melanocortin system in adaptation of food intake to food protein increase in mice.” PLoS One. 2011 : 6(4):e19107
  4. Pillot B, Soty M, Gautier-Stein A, Zitoun C, Mithieux G. “Protein feeding promotes redistribution of endogenous glucose production to the kidney and potentiates its suppression by insulin.” Endocrinology. 2009 : 150(2):616-24
  5. Mithieux G, Misery P, Magnan C, Pillot B, Gautier-Stein A, Bernard C, Rajas F, Zitoun C. “Portal sensing of intestinal gluconeogenesis is a mechanistic link in the diminution of food intake induced by diet protein” Cell Metab. 2005 : 2(5):321-9.

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