Image slide carrousel accueil Carmen - Welcome to the CarMeN laboratory website

Welcome to the CarMeN laboratory website

Created in Lyon in January 2011, renewed in 2016 and again in January 2021, the CarMeN laboratory - INSERM U1060/ INRAE U1397/ University of Lyon - is a biomedical research laboratory in the field of cardiovascular diseases, metabolism, diabetology and nutrition.
Image slide carrousel accueil Carmen - Discover the Ixplora platform

Discover the Ixplora platform

Image slide carrousel accueil Carmen - Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases

Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases

- Nutrition and lipids: from absorption to metabolic effects
- Mechanisms of insulin resistance, diabetes and hepatic steatosis
- Ischemia-reperfusion and organ protection (heart, brain, kidney)

Our teams

The laboratory is organized into 3 research teams:

Team DO-IT

Diet and food matrix in Obesity and metabolic diseases: role of Intestinal tract and innovative Therapeutics. Team leader: Marie-Caroline Michalski (Research Director INRAE)


Mitochondria-ER Interactions and Signalling in Metabolic health and diseases. Team leader: Jennifer Rieusset (DR INSERM)


Ischemia-reperfusion syndromes. Team leader: Gabriel Bidaux (CR INSERM)

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