General presentation

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Created in Lyon in January 2011, renewed in 2016 and then in January 2021, the CarMeN laboratory – INSERM U1060/ INRAE U1397/ Université Lyon1 – is a biomedical research laboratory in the field of cardiovascular diseases, metabolism, diabetology and nutrition. These major diseases have common pathophysiological bases related to the environment, lifestyle and the aging of the population.

The objectives of the CarMeN laboratory are to improve knowledge of these diseases and to discover  and validate new therapeutic and preventive strategies for a better patient care.

CarMeN is a center of excellence bringing together the main research forces in the fields of metabolism, nutrition and cardiovascular diseases in Lyon.

Gathering about 160 people (researchers, teachers, hospital practitioners, technicians and students) , and relying on cutting-edge clinical research platforms (CRNH, CIC) and technological (tools genomics, histology, imaging, in vivo exploration), CarMeN offers a unique environment for the realization of true translational research.

The CarMeN laboratory has been ISO 9001 certified since July 2013 for the realization of its research programs and the training of students.

CarMeN is member of the French Multi- Thematic Institute (ITMO) “Pathophysiology, Metabolism, Nutrition”.

Image texte Composition of the laboratory
Hubert VIDAL, Director of CarMeN (copyright Inserm/Hans Lucas)

Composition of the laboratory

CarMeN is made up of 3 research teams, bringing together 160 people (15 INSERM, INRAE ​​or CRNS researchers; 44 teacher-researchers including 31 hospital-university students; 18 hospital practitioners; 27 engineers, technicians and administrative staff and approximately 60 students and post-docs).


These teams are located in 2 research centers (see organization chart and location of the teams)

  • Nutrition Obesity Diabetes (teams 1 and 2) in the CENS Building within the Lyon-Sud Hospital Center in Pierre Bénite

Team 1 : DO-IT, leader: Marie Caroline MICHALSKI, INRAE ​​Research Director

Team 2 : MERISM, leader: Jennifer RIEUSSET, INSERM Research Director

  • Ischemia-reperfusion syndrome (team 3) at the Louis Pradel Hospital site of the Lyon-Est Hospital Group.

Team 3 : IRIS, leader: Gabriel BIDAUX, INSERM researcher

The main partners of CarMeN lab :

At the regional level, CarMeN can rely on several partners and technical services facilitating access to state-of-the-art methodologies and high-level scientific exchange :

– The Rhône-Alpes Human Nutrition Research Center (CRNH-RA) directed by Julie-Anne NAZARE and located in the CENS building on the Lyon-Sud Hospital Center

– The Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) of the University Hospital of Lyon whose Cardiology/Nutrition/Metabolism division is coordinated by Professor Nathan MEWTON and located at the Louis Pradel Lyon-Est Hospital

– The Hospices Civils de Lyon with the participation in the carMeN activity of 31 University Hospitals and 18 hospital practitioners attached to 20 clinical and biological services of the hospitals of Lyon.

CERMEP – imaging of life

CarMeN is alos member to the Mixed Service Unit (UMS) Lyon-Est.

Donate to research

We are developing preventive strategies and new treatments for better patient care. Researchers are counting on you!

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Call for volunteers for the CRNH

By taking part in our studies, you are helping to improve our knowledge of food and its effects on health.

See current studies