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Following the audit carried out from 07/06/2022 to 10/06/2022, AFNOR Certification has issued a favourable decision concerning the ISO 9001: 2015 Certification of our CarMeN laboratory INSERM U1060-INRAE 1397-Lyon 1 University.

We are certified for:

  • Management and development of research projects on diabetes, human nutrition, lipid metabolism and organ protection against ischemia-reperfusion;
  • Training by and for research;
  • Services and provision of technological platforms: genomics, histology, microscopy, cytometry, iXplora in vivo exploration.

Our ISO 9001 certificate, obtained in 2013, is therefore maintained within the new scope of our research unit (2 sites-3 teams).

Congratulations to all CarMeN agents for this collective work and collaboration between the 2 sites of our laboratory!

This ISO 9001:2015 quality process has enabled us to make a lot of progress during these 9 years by supporting and promoting research in our fields of interest, the training of our students and staff and the provision of high-performance technology platforms for the research teams.

News created on 26 July 2022

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