Photo du membre - GOURIOU Yves


  • Position: Assistant Professor
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Yves Gouriou is Assistant-professor in the MERISM team within the Inserm U1060-CarMeN laboratory in Lyon, France. He teaches Human Histology in Medicine and he also teaches courses on human physiology and major functions applied to the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

His main research focus is on the molecular mechanisms underlying the mitochondrial reticulum communication defect in type 2 diabetes (T2D). The MERISM team has identified a key role of structural and functional interactions between the reticulum and the mitochondria in the alterations of insulin action and secretion during T2DM in different organs (liver, muscle, pancreas and intestine). Our goal is to develop new approaches for metabolic therapy of type 2 diabetes by targeting reticulum-mitochondria interactions.




Yves obtained his PhD in Neuroscience in 2013 at the University of Geneva/Lausanne in the Laboratory of Professor Nicolas Demaurex. During his PhD, he studied the role of T-type calcium channels in mitochondrial calcium overload occurring during ischemia.  After his PhD, he joined the team of Professor Michel Ovize in Lyon where he studied the role of ER-mitochondrial membrane contact sites in the regulation of mitochondrial metabolism during ischemia-reperfusion. In 2020, he joined Dr Gabriel Bidaux’s IRIS team, where he continued his research on the identification of new protective strategies in ischemia-reperfusion syndromes (including myocardial infarction, stroke and cardiac arrest) by targeting reticulum-mitochondria interactions. In parallel to this research work, he is also developing new fluorescent biosensors to study the deregulation of ion homeostasis in different cellular compartments during cardiac and cerebral ischemia-reperfusion.


  • Mitochondria, bioenergetics, cell death, ischemia
  • Photonic microscopy (biosensors, multi-scale, wide field, confocal)


  • 2024: Financement appel à projets « AAP Accueil EC 2024 » de l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • 2023: Financement R&D SFR Santé Lyon-Est sur « La microscopie STED pour l’étude des interactions protéiques à l’échelle subcellulaire »
  • 2023: Financement appel à projets « AAP Accueil EC 2023 » de l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

5 major publications:

  • High-sensitivity calcium biosensor on the mitochondrial surface reveals that IP3R channels participate in the reticular calcium leak towards mitochondria. Gouriou Y*, et al. Plos One (Juin 2023)
  • SERCA2 phosphorylation at serine 663 is a key regulator of calcium homeostasis in heart diseases. Gonnot, F et al. Nature Communications (Juin 2023)
  • ANT2-mediated ATP import into mitochondria protects against hypoxia lethal injury. Gouriou Y*, .., Ovize M & Bidaux G*, Cells (Novembre 2020)
  • Differential effect of glucose on ER-mitochondria Ca2+ exchange participates to insulin secretion and to glucotoxicity-mediated dysfunction of β cells. Florian Dingreville, ..Yves Gouriou.., Jennifer Rieusset & Anne-Marie Madec, Diabetes (Juin 2019)
  • Blockade of store-operated calcium entry reduces IL-17/TNF cytokine-induced inflammatory response in human myoblasts. Audrey Beringer & Yves Gouriou, Michel Ovize & Pierre Miossec, Frontiers in Immunology (Janvier 2019)

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