Photo du membre - WIART Marlène

WIART Marlène

  • Poste : Directrice de Recherche CNRS
  • Téléphone : 04 78 78 56 10
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Thématique de recherche

Le fil conducteur de mes travaux est le développement de méthodes d’imagerie cellulaire in-vivo multimodales et multiéchelles pour mieux comprendre et traiter l’AVC. Je m’intéresse aux cellules ayant une fonction immune (macrophages, microglie, cellules souches mésenchymateuses) car la neuroinflammation est une cible thérapeutique prometteuse dans l’AVC.

Bilan synthétique sur la période 2016-2024

  • 28 publications (moyenne de 3/an, 1/3 en position utile : premier, dernier ou auteur correspondant) : 1 pre-print, 21 articles originaux et 6 publications de synthèse
  • 15 conférences invitées dont 12 à l’international
  • 6 productions de science ouverte : 1 pipeline, 2 data sets, 3 tableurs de données pour l’analyse statistique
  • 6,5 articles/doctorant dont 1 à 3 en premier auteur pour chaque soutenance
  • La Taxinomie CRediT précise nos contributions spécifiques pour chaque article (se référer aux manuscrits)

Post-doctorats dirigés sur la période 2016-2024

Nom Dates Sujet Devenir
Maryna Basalay 2018-2020 Remote ischemic conditioning as a therapeutic strategy in a rat model of ischemic stroke Associate Researcher à University College London (UK)
Elisa Cuccione 2016-2018 Imaging macrophages and hydrogels as a therapeutic strategy in stroke with spectral photon-counting CT Directrice d’études pré-cliniques à Voxcan

Thèses dirigées sur la période 2016-2024

Nom Soutenance Sujet Devenir
Paul Clottes 2025 A new target in IscheMic stroke: EPAC1-based Therapy (IMPACT) PH Neurologie neurovasculaire
Elodie Ong 21/12/2023 Evaluation de l’effet neuroprotecteur de la cyclosporine A dans un modèle murin d’ischémie cérébrale PH Neurologie neurovasculaire
Clément Tavakoli 19/06/2023 Suivi de thérapie cellulaire de l’AVC ischémique à l’aide de techniques innovantes d’imagerie basées sur les rayons X Post-doc Hanovre (Allemagne)
Chloé Dumot 14/12/2021 Apport de l’IRM multiparamétrique pour l’évaluation pré-clinique de thérapies aux stades aigü et chronique de l’AVC PH  neurochirurgie
Violaine Hubert 15/11/2019 IRM des cellules phagocytaires cérébrales dans des modèles murins de neuroinflammation Post-doc Montréal (Canada)


Liste complète des productions scientifiques sur la période 2016-2024

Le bilan de mes productions scientifiques depuis ma promotion DR en Octobre 2015 est listé ci-dessous et téléchargeable ici au format pdf : Liste des publis 2016-2024

Liste complète des publications sur PubMed

Les post-doctorants et doctorants encadrés sont indiqués en caractères gras soulignés dans les publications ci-dessous.


Pré-publication, en cours d’évaluation

Said M*, Tavakoli C*, Dumot C, Toupet K, Dong YC, Collomb N, Auxenfans C, Moisan A, Favier B, Chovelon B, Barbier EL, Jorgensen C, Cormode DP, Noël D, Brun E, Elleaume H, Wiart M**, Detante O, Rome C, Auzély-Velty R. A novel injectable radiopaque hydrogel with potent properties for multicolor CT imaging in the context of brain and cartilage regenerative therapy. BioRxiv 2023 *Equal contribution, **Corresponding author ⟨hal-04126192⟩

Publications originales sur la période 2016-2024

Chalet L, Debatisse J, Wateau O, Boutelier T, Wiart M, Costes N, Merida I, Redouté J, Langlois JB, Lancelot S, Léon C, Cho TH, Mechtouff L, Faruk Eker O, Nighoghossian N, Canet-Soulas E, Becker G. PREMISE: A database of 20 Macaca Fascicularis PET/MRI brain imaging available for research. Lab Animal 2024;53 :13–17 <hal-04126335>

Chourrout M, Sandt C, Weitkamp T, Dučić T, Meyronet D, Baron T, Klohs J, Rama N, Boutin H, Singh S, Olivier C, Wiart M, Brun E, Bohic S, Chauveau F.  Virtual histology of Alzheimer’s disease: Biometal entrapment within amyloid-beta-plaques allows for detection via X-ray phase-contrast imaging Acta Biomaterialia 2023;170: 260-272 ⟨hal-04046962⟩

Tavakoli C, Cuccione E, Dumot C, Balegamire J, Si-Mohamed S, Kim J, Crola-da-Silva- C, Chevalier Y, Berthezene Y, Boussel L, Douek P, Cormode D, Elleaume H, Brun E, Wiart M. High-resolution synchrotron K-edge subtraction CT allows tracking and quantifying therapeutic cells and their scaffold in a rat model of focal cerebral injury and can serve as a reference for spectral photon counting CT. NanoTheranostics 2023 :16;7(2):176-186. ⟨hal-03996505⟩

Becker G, Debatisse J, Rivière M, Crola Da Silva C, Beaudoin-Gobert M, Eker O, Wateau O, Cho TH, Wiart M, Tremblay L, Costes N, Mérida I, Redouté  J, Léon C, Langlois JB, Le Bars D, Lancelot S, Nighoghossian  N, Mechtouff  L, Canet-Soulas E. Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Brain Inflammation in a Non-human Primate Stroke Model Mimicking Endovascular Thrombectomy. Neurotherapeutics 2023;20(3):789-802 <hal-04310907v1>

Lerouge F*, Ong E*, Rositi H, Mpambani F, Berner LP, Bolbos R, Olivier C, Peyrin F, Apputukan VK, Monnereau C, Andraud C, Chaput F, Berthezène Y, Braun B, Jucker M, Åslund AK, Nyström S, Hammarström P, R Nilsson KP, Lindgren M, Wiart M, Chauveau F*, Parola S*. In vivo targeting and multimodal imaging of cerebral Aβ-amyloid aggregates using hybrid GdF3 nanoparticles. Nanomedicine 2023;17(29):2173-2187 *Equal contribution ⟨hal-04038718⟩

Chourrout M, Rositi H, Ong E, Hubert V, Paccalet A, Foucault L, Autret A, Fayard B, Olivier C, Bolbos R, Peyrin F, Crola-da-Silva C, Meyronet D, Raineteau O, Elleaume H, Brun E, Chauveau F*, Wiart M*. Brain virtual histology with X-ray phase-contrast tomography Part I: whole-brain myelin mapping in white-matter injury models. Biomedical Optics Express 2022;13(3): pp: 1620-1639 *Equal contribution ⟨hal-03428448v2⟩

Chourrout M, Roux M, Boisvert C, Gislard C, Legland D, Arganda-Carreras I, Olivier C, Peyrin F, Boutin H, Rama N, Baron T, Meyronet D, Brun E, Rositi H, Wiart M*, Chauveau F*. Brain virtual histology with X-ray phase-contrast tomography. Part II: 3D morphologies of amyloid-β plaques in Alzheimer’s disease models. Biomedical Optics Express 2022;13(3): pp: 1640-1653 *Equal contribution ⟨hal-03451419v2⟩

Dumot C, Po C, Capin L, Hubert V, Ong E, Chourrout M, Bolbos R, Amaz C, Auxenfans C, Canet-Soulas E, Rome C, Chauveau F, Wiart M. Neurofunctional and neuroimaging readouts for designing a preclinical stem-cell therapy trial in experimental stroke. Sci Rep, 2022, 12(1): 4700 ⟨hal-03451443v2⟩

Jahandiez V, Pillot B, Bidaux G, Bolbos R, Stevic N, Wiart M, Ovize M, Argaud L, Cour M. Reassessment of mitochondrial cyclophilin D as a target for improving cardiac arrest outcomes in the era of therapeutic hypothermia. Translational Research 2022 Jun 9:S1931-5244(22)00137-2. ⟨hal-03704281⟩

Hubert V, Hristovska I, Karpati S, Benkeder S, Dey A, Dumot C, Amaz C, Chounlamountri N, Watrin C, Comte JC, Chauveau F, Brun E, Marche P, Lerouge F, Parola S, Berthezène Y, Vorup-Jensen T, Pascual O, and Wiart M. Multimodal imaging with NanoGd reveals spatiotemporal features of neuroinflammation after experimental stroke. Adv Science 2021, e2101433 ⟨hal-03428486⟩

Karpati S, Hubert V, Hristovska I, Lerouge F, Chaput F, Bretonnière Y, Andraud C,  Banyasz A,   Micouin G,   Monteil M,   Lecouvey M,  Mercey M,   Dey A, Marche, Lindgren M, Pascual O, Wiart M, Parola S. Hybrid Multimodal Contrast Agent for Multiscale In Vivo Investigation of Neuroinflammation. Nanoscale, 2021,13, 3767-3781 ⟨hal-03134034⟩

Tavakoli C, Cuccione E, Dumot C, Cormode D, Wiart M, Elleaume H, Brun E. Tracking cells in the brain of small animals using synchrotron multi-spectral phase contrast imaging, Proc. SPIE 11595, Medical Imaging 2021: Physics of Medical Imaging, 115954N (2021) ⟨hal-03428586⟩

Cuccione E, Chhour P, Si-Mohamed S, Dumot C, Kim J, Hubert V, Da Silva C, Vandamme M, Chereul E, Balegamire J, Chevalier Y, Berthezene Y, Boussel L, Douek P, Cormode D, Wiart M. Multicolor spectral photon counting CT monitors and quantifies therapeutic cells and their encapsulating scaffold in a model of brain damage. NanoTheranostics 2020;4(3):129-141. ⟨hal-02841219⟩

Basalay MV*, Wiart M*, Chauveau F, Dumot C, Leon C, Amaz C, Bolbos R, Cash D, Kim E, Mechtouff L, Cho TH, Nighoghossian N, Davidson SM, Ovize M, Yellon DM. Neuroprotection by remote ischemic conditioning in the setting of acute ischemic stroke: a preclinical two-centre study. Sci Rep 2020 Oct 9;10(1):16874. *co-first authors ⟨hal-02964076⟩

Debatisse J, Eker O, Wateau O, Cho TH, Wiart M, Ramonet D, Costes N, Mérida I, Léon C, Dia M, Paillard M, Confais J, Rossetti F, Langlois JB, Troalen T, Iecker T, Le Bars D, Lancelot S, Bouchier B, Lukasziewic AC, Oudotte A, Nighoghossian N, Ovize M, Contamin H, Lux F, Tillement O, Canet-Soulas E. PET-MRI nanoparticles imaging of blood-brain barrier damage and modulation after stroke reperfusion. Brain Communications 2020, fcaa193 ⟨hal-03060618⟩

Hubert V, Dumot C, Ong E, Amaz C, Canet-Soulas E, Chauveau F, Wiart M. MRI coupled with clinically-applicable iron oxide nanoparticles reveals choroid plexus involvement in a murine model of neuroinflammation. Sci Rep. 2019 Jul 11;9(1):10046 ⟨hal-02397061⟩

Cuccione E, Versace A, Cho TH, Carone D, Berner LP, Ong E, Rousseau D, Cai R, Monza L, Ferrarese C, Sganzerla EP, Berthezene Y, Nighoghossian N, Wiart M, Beretta S, Chauveau F. Multi-site laser Doppler flowmetry for assessing collateral flow in experimental ischemic stroke: Validation of outcome prediction with acute MRI. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2017;37(6):2159-2170 ⟨hal-02308993⟩

Di Cataldo V, Geloen A, Langlois JB, Chauveau F, Theze B, Hubert V, Wiart M, Chirico EN, Rieusset J, Vidal H, Pialoux V, Canet-Soulas E: Exercise Does Not Protect against Peripheral and Central Effects of a High Cholesterol Diet Given Ad libitum in Old ApoE-/- Mice. Front Physiol 2016, 7:453. ⟨hal-01883954⟩

Tamion A, Hillenkamp M, Hillion A, Maraloiu VA, Vlaicu ID, Stefan M, Ghica D, Rositi H, Chauveau F, Blanchin MG, Wiart M, Dupuis V: Ferritin surplus in mouse spleen 14 months after intravenous injection of iron oxide nanoparticles at clinical dose, Nano Research 2016, 9:2398-2410 ⟨hal-02289463⟩

Berner LP, Cho TH, Haesebaert J, Bouvier J, Wiart M, Hjort N, Klaerke Mikkelsen I, Derex L, Thomalla G, Pedraza S, Ostergaard L, Baron JC, Nighoghossian N, Berthezene Y: MRI Assessment of Ischemic Lesion Evolution within White and Gray Matter. Cerebrovasc Dis 2016, 41:291-297 ⟨hal-03996512⟩

Frindel C, Rouanet A, Giacalone M, Cho TH, Ostergaard L, Fiehler J, Pedraza S, Baron JC, Wiart M, Berthezene Y, Nighoghossian N, Rousseau D: Validity of shape as a predictive biomarker of final infarct volume in acute ischemic stroke. Stroke 2015, 46:976-981 ⟨hal-01131822⟩

Publications de synthèse sur la période 2016-2024

Wiart M, Tavakoli C, Hubert V, Hristovska I, Dumot C, Parola S, Lerouge F, Chauveau F, Canet-Soulas E, Pascual O, Cormode D, Brun E, Elleaume H. Use of metal-based contrast agents for in vivo MR and CT imaging of phagocytic cells in neurological pathologies. J of Neurosci Methods 2023; 383: 109729. ⟨hal-03865234⟩

Wachsmuth L, Mensen A, Barca C, Wiart M, Tristão-Pereira C, Busato A, Waiczies S, Himmelreich U, Millward JM, Reimann HM, Jelescu I, Marzola P, Pradier B, Viola A, Faber C. Contribution of preclinical MRI to responsible animal research: living up to the 3R principle. MAGMA, 2021;34(4):469-474. ⟨hal-03264434⟩

Hubert V, Chauveau F, Dumot C, Ong E, Berner LP, Canet-Soulas E, Ghersi-Egea JF, Wiart M. Clinical Imaging of Choroid Plexus in Health and in Brain Disorders: A Mini-Review. Front Mol Neurosci. 2019; 12:34. ⟨hal-02195240⟩

Brisset JC, Gazeau F, Corot C, Nighoghossian N, Berthezène Y, Canet-Soulas E, Wiart M. INFLAM – INFLAMmation in Brain and Vessels with Iron Nanoparticles and Cell Trafficking. Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering (IRBM), TecSan review, Elsevier Masson, 2018, 39 (2), pp.93−102 ⟨hal-02626355⟩

Davidson SM, Arjun S, Basalay MV, Bell RM, Bromage DI, Botker HE, Carr RD, Cunningham J, Ghosh AK, Heusch G, Ibanez B, Kleinbongard P, Lecour S, Maddock H, Ovize M, Walker M, Wiart M, Yellon DM. The 10th Biennial Hatter Cardiovascular Institute workshop: cellular protection−evaluating new directions in the setting of myocardial infarction, ischaemic stroke, and cardio−oncology. Basic Res Cardiol 2018, 113:43 ⟨hal-02397066⟩

Albers J, Pacile S, Markus MA, Wiart M, Vande Velde G, Tromba G, Dullin C.  X-ray-Based 3D Virtual Histology—Adding the Next Dimension to Histological Analysis. Mol Imaging Biol 2018, 20:732−741 ⟨hal-02397068⟩

Productions de science ouverte sur la période 2016-2024

  • Chalet et al 2023 : Data set sur PRIMatE Data Exchange (PRIME-RE) (accessible sur demande)
  • Dumot et al 2022 : Données utilisées pour l’analyse statistique (FigShare)
  • Dumot et al 2022 : Data set : DOI 10.18112/openneuro.ds004632.v1.0.1 (OpenNeuro, Accession Number ds004632) 
  • Hubert et al 2021 : Données utilisées pour l’analyse statistique (FigShare) DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.13046291
  • Chourrout M et al 2021 : Pipeline de traitement d’image (Zenodo) A Fiji pipeline to segment 3D objects and retrieve shape parameters in biomedical images. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4584753
  • Basalay et al 2020 : Données utilisées pour l’analyse statistique (FigShare) DOI 10.5522/04/10529867.v1

Conférences invitées sur la période 2016-2024

  1. Neuroinflammation as an imaging and therapeutic target, Biomedical Research Seminar Series, University of Otago –  Christchurch (New Zealand), July 11, 2024
  2. Neuroinflammation as an imaging and therapeutic target, Engineering Research Seminar Series University of Canterbury – Christchurch (New Zealand), July 18, 2024
  3. Suivi in situ de l’évolution de biomatériaux implantés. Première rencontre annuelle du GDR réparer l’humain « Matériaux et Procédés pour Applications Médicales » – Paris (France), December 12-14, 2023.
  4. Advances on imaging techniques used in Blood Brain Barriers research. Regional Conference on the Blood-Brain Interfaces: Health, Diseases, and Intervention, Lyon (France), September 29, 2023.
  5. Revealing the penumbra in acute ischemic stroke through multimodal imaging with ultrasound and photoacoustic. Ultrahigh resolution brain and heart imaging – interconnections in Montpellier – Montpellier (France) October 18-19, 2022.
  6. Reducing the number of animals in translational stroke research: Value of in vivo imaging. Club des Belles Souris –  Grenoble (France), November 15, 2022 (150 in-person participants + 500 participants in visioconference)
  7. Probing the inflammatory environment and the immune response thanks to in vivo imaging: Application to ischemic stroke, 89ème Congrès de la Société de Physiologie et 5ème Congrès de Physiologie et de Biologie Intégrative – Lyon (France), June 22-24, 2022
  8. Value of MRI for the ethical use of animals in translational stroke research; EPIC-3R Symposium: Contribution of Imaging to Animal Welfare – virtual meeting, February 24, 2022
  9. Animal reduction in stroke research: perspective from a neuroprotection preclinical trial using translational longitudinal MRI endpoints, 2nd ESMRMB preclinical MRI day “Frontiers in Preclinical MRI: Living up to the 3R principle—Contribution of preclinical MRI” – virtual meeting September 9, 2020
  10. USPIO-enhanced MRI for monitoring neuroinflammation: How many irons in the fire? International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Quantitative MR & MR in Drug Research joint study group – virtual meeting, September 12, 2019
  11. Neuroimaging: Disease Models & Translational Approaches Introductory talk. 14th annual meeting of the European society of molecular imaging (EMIM) – Glasgow (UK), March 19-22, 2019
  12. Pivotal role of macrophages in ischaemic stroke: from in-vivo imaging to neuroprotection. Hatter Cardiovascular Institute Seminars at University College London – London (UK), December 2, 2018
  13. The innate immune system in ischemic stroke: from physiopathology to imaging, Colloque de la société Cerveau et Maladies Cérébrovasculaires – Paris (France), March 16, 2017
  14. Molecular and cellular imaging of neuroinflammation. Neuroscience In Intensive Care (NICIS) meeting – Paris (France), June 16-17, 2016
  15. Inflammation & macrophages: from physiopathology to imaging. Journées scientifiques de l’université de Nantes, IRON LabEX meeting – Nantes (France), June 10, 2016

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