Created in Lyon in January 2011, renewed in 2016 and then in January 2021, the CarMeN laboratory – INSERM U1060/ INRAE U1397/ Université Lyon1 – is a biomedical research laboratory in the field of cardiovascular diseases, metabolism, diabetology and nutrition. These major diseases have common pathophysiological bases related to the environment, lifestyle and the aging of the population.
The objectives of the CarMeN laboratory are to improve knowledge of these diseases and to discover and validate new therapeutic and preventive strategies for a better patient care.
CarMeN is a center of excellence bringing together the main research forces in the fields of metabolism, nutrition and cardiovascular diseases in Lyon.
Gathering about 160 people (researchers, teachers, hospital practitioners, technicians and students) , and relying on cutting-edge clinical research platforms (CRNH, CIC) and technological (tools genomics, histology, imaging, in vivo exploration), CarMeN offers a unique environment for the realization of true translational research.
The CarMeN laboratory has been ISO 9001 certified since July 2013 for the realization of its research programs and the training of students.
CarMeN is member of the French Multi- Thematic Institute (ITMO) “Pathophysiology, Metabolism, Nutrition”.