Purpose of clinical research:
Clinical research is a research applied to humans. The CRNH-RA is at the origin of numerous studies which contribute to the establishment of nutritional recommendations (e.g. within the framework of the French National Nutrition and Health Program (PNNS)), the understanding of the effects of diet on metabolic health, and the study of nutritional diseases (diabetes, obesity, etc.).
A research protocol is a detailed plan describing a clinical study, carefully drawn up to guarantee the safety of participants and provide answers to questions posed by scientists.
Guarantees for volunteers:
The CRNH is a clinical research facility authorized to carry out studies on human subjects. These studies are conducted under the supervision of experienced and highly qualified physicians and researchers.
Studies must have received:
- A favorable approval from the Comité de Protection des Personnes (CPP). This ethics committee ensures optimal conditions of safety and comfort for volunteers.
- Authorization from the Agence Nationale de la Sécurité du Médicament (ANSM).
Possible constraints and risks:
All necessary precautions are taken to minimize study-related risks through biological and medical monitoring.
Research protocols require visits to Lyon-Sud Hospital and certain constraints (controlled diet, questionnaires to be completed, biological samples, etc.).
Benefits and compensation:
- Become an active participant in research.
- Receive a health check-up.
- Personalized nutritional advice from a dietician/nutritionist.
Volunteers received a compensation after completing the study. The amount is determined on the basis of the duration of the study, the number of visits, the arduousness, the type of sampling, etc.