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The CRNH-RA Platform, located within the Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud, is regularly looking for volunteers to take part in studies investigating HEALTHY NUTRITION.

All participants from different genders (men, women and others) and social-economic backgrounds are welcomed.

By taking part in our studies, you are helping to improve our knowledge of food and its impacts on health.

On this page, you’ll find all available studies carried out in CRNH-RA.

Comment participer ?

How to take part of our studies?

Registration in the volunteer database:

To register as a person wishing to take part in our studies focusing on nutrition research, all you need to do is:

  • To be of legal age
  • To fill in a “Volunteer Search” form. The information you provide is strictly confidential and can only be consulted by CRNH staff, who are bound by professional secrecy.

Selection of volunteers:

We use our database to search for subjects who meet the criteria defined in the protocols, i.e. who are suitable to take part in the studies. The subjects are contacted by phone or e-mail to confirm whether they are interested in participating in the study.

Our current studies

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General form for volunteers

After your application is assessed, and if your profile meets our requirements, you will be contacted to participate in one of our studies, the details of which will be provided to you by our staff.


Participation stages

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  • Presentation of the study by a professional staff
  • Pre-inclusion
  • I meet the criteria
  • I am motivated to participate
  • I have signed the participation agreement
  • Medical check-up, blood test, dietary assessment
  • My state of health allows me to participate
  • Inclusion
  • Participation in the protocol

Purpose of clinical research:

Clinical research is a research applied to humans. The CRNH-RA is at the origin of numerous studies which contribute to the establishment of nutritional recommendations (e.g. within the framework of the French National Nutrition and Health Program (PNNS)), the understanding of the effects of diet on metabolic health, and the study of nutritional diseases (diabetes, obesity, etc.).

A research protocol is a detailed plan describing a clinical study, carefully drawn up to guarantee the safety of participants and provide answers to questions posed by scientists.

Guarantees for volunteers:

The CRNH is a clinical research facility authorized to carry out studies on human subjects. These studies are conducted under the supervision of experienced and highly qualified physicians and researchers.

Studies must have received:

  • A favorable approval from the Comité de Protection des Personnes (CPP). This ethics committee ensures optimal conditions of safety and comfort for volunteers.
  • Authorization from the Agence Nationale de la Sécurité du Médicament (ANSM).

Possible constraints and risks:

All necessary precautions are taken to minimize study-related risks through biological and medical monitoring.

Research protocols require visits to Lyon-Sud Hospital and certain constraints (controlled diet, questionnaires to be completed, biological samples, etc.).

Benefits and compensation:

  • Become an active participant in research.
  • Receive a health check-up.
  • Personalized nutritional advice from a dietician/nutritionist.

Volunteers received a compensation after completing the study. The amount is determined on the basis of the duration of the study, the number of visits, the arduousness, the type of sampling, etc.

Donate to research

We are developing preventive strategies and new treatments for better patient care. Researchers are counting on you!

Support research

Call for volunteers for the CRNH

By taking part in our studies, you are helping to improve our knowledge of food and its effects on health.

See current studies