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iXplora’s presentation

IXplora is a platform of the CarMeN laboratory, born from the will to open its expertise to the academic scientific community but also to private companies (start-up, pharmaceutical industry).

IXplora offers services, advice and state-of-the-art equipment to detect the main cardiac phenotypes and to study the pathophysiology of ischemia-reperfusion syndromes in the heart, kidney and brain.

Through in vivo assessment of cardiovascular function, iXplora is able to detect congenital heart disease, systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction, myocardial infarction, valvular disease, hypertrophy, arrhythmias…, and also offers pathological models (ischemia-reperfusion) to help reveal pathological phenotypes in rodents and pigs.

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IXplora offers phenotyping and surgery services on preclinical animal models, in compliance with the regulations in force:

  • Applications for authorization of preclinical projects
  • Animal housing
  • Experiments
  • In vivo exploration
  • Ex vivo exploration
  • Reports writting

iXplora is attached to the santé Lyon EST and biosciences federative research structures, is a member of the Anira regional platform and is part of the Celphedia a national research infrastructure.

iXplora is IBISA certified with Anira, and has received ISO 9001:2015 certification with the CarMeN laboratory.



State-of-the-art equipments
Days of experimentation/year


Plateforme iXplora


Groupement  Hospitalier Est

Bâtiment B13

59 boulevard Pinel

69500 BRON

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