

From preclinical model to organelle bioanalysis
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Image texte Cardiac Phenotyping:

Cardiac Phenotyping:

Expertise Analysis of cardiac function by ultrasound

Tools The in vivo platform is equipped with a Visualsonics Vevo 3100 high resolution ultrasound machine allowing a fine analysis of the systolic and diastolic functions of the heart in mice under anesthesia. A second GE Vivid7 ultrasound machine allows the analysis of the systolic function in semi-vigilance.

Models These equipments allow a complete cardiac phenotyping in models of ischemia, insufficiency or any other model inducing cardiac dysfunctions.

Image texte Ischemia-reperfusion syndromes:

Ischemia-reperfusion syndromes:

Expertise Surgical pathological models in mice

Tools The platform is equipped with several operating stations with complete monitoring (respirators, heating mats, binocular loupes with camera, electrocardiogram, capnograph, invasive and non-invasive pressure measurement, …). Surgical procedures can be performed under fixed or gaseous general anesthesia depending on the protocol considered, with appropriate analgesic coverage. The follow-up and post-operative care of the animals are ensured in a recovery incubator. A blood gas measurement system (small volumes) and telemetry (temperature-ECG-pressure) complete our offer for a longitudinal follow-up of the operated animals.

Models This equipment, in the hands of the team’s know-how, allows the realization and development of pathological models on mice and rats of interest. The expertise of the team is based in particular on the mastery of murine models of transient ischemia-reperfusion in the heart (model of myocardial infarction and heart failure by IVA ligation), brain (model of stroke by filament method) and kidney (model of acute or chronic renal suffering by renal hyle ligation).

Image texte Cellular and molecular mechanisms:

Cellular and molecular mechanisms:

Expertise Analysis of molecular and cellular functions post-infarction

Tools The microscopy platform is equipped with a Leica DMI6000 wide field microscope, a Nikon A1r+ confocal microscope and analysis stations. Both systems are equipped with temperature, gas and hygrometry control devices (Okolab). The platform is also equipped with a MetaXpress Pico automated cell imaging system. It combines high resolution imaging with powerful analysis, allowing the screening of molecules.

Models This equipment allows in particular to realize in-vitro measurements of metabolic functions with biosensors and chemical probes during hypoxia-reoxygenation.

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